Helpful Tips

  • 18 July 2023

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, popularly known as TABS, is an enthralling, physics-based warfare game that is as much about strategy as it is about comedic chaos. Whether you're a seasoned player or just a curious newbie, this article aims to enhance your gaming experience by providing you with several useful tips and tricks. We aim to help you engage more effectively in the battles, optimize your strategies, and, most importantly, derive maximum fun from this incredibly dynamic game.

  • Evaluate Your Units: Each unit in TABS has unique powers and abilities. Their feats range from hitting hard over short distances, shooting arrows from afar, or even summoning the dead. Take your time to understand their specific strengths and weaknesses. Knowing how to select the right troops for the right situation is crucial.
  • Use All Three Dimensions: Remember, TABS isn't a 2D game. It has a fully 3D battlefield, which means you have more to work with than just left, right, and forward. Taking advantage of the game's verticality can lead to some unique and effective strategies. 
  • Balance Resources: It's tempting to deploy your most potent units right at the start, but this strategy can leave you resource-depleted in later stages. Smarter use of resources is often to maintain a balanced mix of weaker and stronger units. 
  • Scout the Environment: The maps in TABS vary greatly, and so do the conditions of each fight. Consider the environment and how it may impact the battle. For example, using a Reaper (who has a large scythe swing) in a narrow area might not be a great option!
  • Experimentation is Key: Remember, TABS is a game as much about hilarity as a strategy. Do not hesitate to experiment with unorthodox tactical mixes. Want an army entirely of farmers? Go for it. Curious if a group of mages can take down a group of knights? Try it out. Some of your best moments will come from unexpected victories.
  • Vary Your Formations: While it's easy to dump all your units in one spot and tell them to charge, strategic formation of your troops can grant you significant advantages. Divert attention, make traps, or flank the enemy; there are countless strategies to deploy.
  • Use Slow Motion: TABS has a slow-motion feature. You can trigger it by pressing 'G'. Not only will this give you some epic views of the action, but it can provide crucial time to evaluate the battle's progress and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  • Utilise the Event-Specific Units: Some events, like Halloween and Christmas, introduce specific units. These units often have special characteristics that can change the course of the battles significantly. Be sure to give these a try.

TABS is an endlessly dynamic, wonderfully ridiculous battle game that rewards innovation just as much as it does strategy. With these tips in your arsenal, you're guaranteed to experience fun-filled mayhem at its absolute best. So dive in, and let the battles begin!

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